Leading Innovation Through International Collaboration 

Empowering the Global Vision

Unleash Your Potential: Explore the World with UoD's Directorate of International Relations (DOIR) 

The University of Duhok (UoD) actively participates in international projects and funding programs, fostering innovation and capacity building in the region. We have a proven track record of successful collaboration with prestigious organizations like USAID and Erasmus+, advancing international education and research.

DOIR: Leading the Way in Global Engagement

The Directorate of International Relations (DOIR) spearheads UoD's international endeavours. We encourage academics, departments, and degree programs to actively participate in international cooperation initiatives, enriching our academic environment and broadening research horizons.

Supporting Your Global Vision

DOIR provides comprehensive support for faculty, researchers, and departments seeking to participate in international projects. Here's what we offer:

Collaboration is Key

We believe in the power of collaboration. If a partner intends to include UoD in a project proposal, all relevant documents should be submitted well in advance for internal review. This collaborative approach ensures a strong application that reflects both UoD's expertise and the partner's vision.

Join Us on the Global Stage

DOIR is your dedicated partner in navigating the world of international collaboration. Explore current and past UoD international projects on this page to discover the breadth of our global engagement. Contact DOIR today to discuss how we can support your international project aspirations.

Keywords: University of Duhok, UoD, Directorate of International Relations, DOIR, international projects, international collaboration, funding programs, USAID, Erasmus+, innovation, capacity building, faculty support, proposal development, research, international education.


Our International Office empowers University of Duhok's community to embrace global thinking and elevate social responsibility, fostering empowerment and inspiration.


At the International Office of the University of Duhok, our mission is to catalyse, unify, and fortify global endeavours within the fabric of education, exploration, and engagement. We forge and uphold international alliances, beckon and nurture talents worldwide, and seamlessly connect our community to the global tapestry through enriched wisdom, heightened consciousness, and immersive encounters.


Infused with unwavering dedication, our International Office relentlessly fosters an unparalleled global milieu. With exceptional services and visionary global alliances, we champion holistic international education. Our purpose is to unfurl the University's essence to the world and harmoniously interlace the world's essence into our University, nurturing a symphony of boundless possibilities.