The Key Action 1 Projects

The Erasmus+ Programme will provide funding to organisations working in education, training, and youth to carry out initiatives encouraging various sorts of mobility. A mobility project will be divided into the following stages:

The Erasmus+ Programme strengthens the assistance provided to mobility participants in strengthening their foreign language skills before to and during their stay abroad, including an extra linguistic support grant for participants in long-term mobility in VET and school education disciplines. An Erasmus+ Online Language Support (OLS) programme allows participants in mobility activities to check their language knowledge and take online language courses to enhance their skills.

Depending on the profile of participants involved, the following types of mobility projects are supported under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Programme:

In the field of Education and Training:

The actions supported under this Key Action are expected to bring positive and long-lasting effects on the participants and participating organisations involved, as well as on the policy systems in which such activities are framed.

Read further on this topic 

The University of Duhok's Mobility Key Action 1 (KA1|) projects with European Partners

The KA1 project with the University of Glasgow tackles a critical issue in emerging economies increasing universities' urban engagement roles and how they contribute to the development of sustainable cities in the context of the significant social, cultural, environmental, and economic concerns confronting the global south.  ➤ EXPLORE MORE

The University of Duhok is engaged with the University of Barcelona via Erasmus+ Mobility Key Action 1 program.