The TU-Dortmund Program

PLIQ - A Planning Education for Iraq

In February 2009 the German and Iraqi governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding on higher education. Five German universities were commissioned to develop specific cooperation with Iraqi partner universities. The Faculty of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund was tasked to design education and research components in the field of Spatial Planning.

The project is part of the DAAD funded programme "Strategic Academic Partnership with Iraq".

During the first project phase from 2009 to 2011 the network between five partner universities has been established. The first group of 10 Bachelor students arrived in Dortmund to conduct their studies in Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University, workshops were held to develop joint goals and strategies for a Bachelor in Planning education as well as three joint conferences which were organized in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

The second phase, of the PLIQ program started in 2012, it was dedicated to the establishment of a Bachelor Program in Spatial Planning at the University of Duhok in Iraq, starting in Autumn 2012. Furthermore, joint research activities have been strengthened and successful cooperation such as the joint conferences, training programs have continued throughout.

The Department of Spatial Planning.

The Department of Spatial Planning (SP) in The University of Dohuk was established in June 2007. The first group of postgraduate students was taken from Kurdistan's four governorates. They embarked on their studies leading to the degree of Higher Diploma in planning since April 2007. SP started its M.Sc. program in 2009 and a Ph.D. program in 2012. The PhD program is active now, including   students who will continue their joint studies with TU- Dortmund and support the future need of spatial planning staff in the different specialities of the department.

The objectives

The prime aim of the Spatial Planning Department is to provide the Kurdistan Region with highly qualified spatial planners with different academic backgrounds to cater for the myriad of needs of the people of Kurdistan, and to keep a sustainable development transcending into a modern society of the 21st Century. To specify and prioritize the developmental short and long term needs of the Kurdish society, both in local and regional spatial contexts. To draw up plans for sustainable development which account for and optimize between the different aspects of Land-use, social, economic, political, environmental, scientific, engineering, and educational issues, taking into consideration their conflicting demands in spatial geographic domains.

 Bachelor Programme "Urban and Regional Planning"

The start of the Bachelor Programme in the University of Duhok was announced in autumn 2012 the first batch started their preparation courses in November.

The Faculty of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund was founded in 1969, the first institution of this type in Germany. It pursues an interdisciplinary approach to planning, integrating all spatial levels. This planning philosophy has gained an exemplary national and international reputation, and is currently the biggest educational facility for spatial planners in Europe.

Within the joint project, the main task of the German and Iraqi – Kurdistan partner universities is to design a new Bachelor Programme for Spatial Planning Studies for Iraq. As the eight-semester programme "Urban and Regional Planning" is developed jointly by the German Faculty of Spatial Planning and the Iraqi universities of Baghdad, Diyala, Duhok and Mosul it benefits from the experiences of both countries. To ensure that it matches the Iraqi and Kurdistan demands. The curriculum. Consists of 18 Modules containing multidisciplinary fields related to spatial planning.

The total number of the current students in all 4 stages of the study, plus the preparatory English basic stage, is 107 students. The first group of 22 students will graduate in May 14th 2017.

The summer school

Every Year, the 3rd year stage are accompanied by two lecturers to attend a Summer Program studying "the Planning System in Germany" for 35 days in Germany-Dortmund. The program is part of the joint agreement between the two universities which enables the students to experience the German planning system as well as German higher education with TU Dortmund as an exemplary institution of German higher learning.

The summer program consists of three parts:

The first two weeks are in Tu-Dortmund, attending lectures and excursions about planning systems in Germany

The second part is in Berlin, including a visit to the State Department

The third part is in Hamburg, related to Transportation Planning in Germany

The experience is a unique one for students and a successful opportunity for cultural and educational exchange.

Summer school 2015                                                                                                                    

Dr. Maha Al-Malaika : Head of Spatial Planning Department and Mr. Jambaly Abdullah accompanied  the 24 students of the 3rd year stage to attend Summer Program studying "the Planning System in Germany" for 35 days in Germany-Dortmund from 15th May till 21st June.         

Summer school 2016      

Dr. Shreen Ismail and Mr. Ali Ibrahim accompanied the 11 students of the 3rd year stage to attend Summer Program studying "the Planning System in Germany" for 35 days in Germany-Dortmund from 15th April till 21st May.                                                                                        

Summer School 2018 

Dr. Muhamed Jalal and Mr. Hussein Hamid with administrative Waad Doski and 28 students. of 3rd stage attended Summer Program studying "the Planning System in Germany" for 35 days in Germany-Dortmund from 15th May till 22nd June.

Training Program for teaching staff                                                                                        

Each year, the staff members of the Spatial Planning department/ College of Spatial Planning and Applied Science attend a two-week training program in TU-Dortmund University in Germany, as part of the PLIQ program under DAAD agreement with Duhok University.  It includes intensive course of teaching methods, and discussions about the co- teaching activities between the two universities staff, as well as the online tutoring activity using the Moodle software. This training is useful for the staff to gain knowledge in new trends of teaching to enrich the Bachelor program of Spatial Planning with a joint certificate between Duhok and Tu-Dortmund universities.

Symposium; January 8 – 12th, 2018, Dortmund     

Based on the invitation from DAAD and the Department of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University. As part of the Joint Bachelor Program between both Universities. The head of Spatial Planning department Dr. Maha Malaika  with 13 staff members from Duhok University, and five newly graduates accompanied by the general directors of Physical Planning, Municipalities, and Duhok Municipality, spent a five-day symposium in Germany TU- Dortmund University. The program consisted of scientific research, CO- teaching discussions and excursions. Two keynotes speeches were delivered by Professor Prof. Dr. Dietwald Gruehn and Dr. Maha Malaika , then the participants discussed four different planning topics in groups.