Botanical Gardens

The Botanical Gardens' Project

Welcome to the University of Duhok's Botanical Gardens Project! We are excited to introduce you to our network of community gardens dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of local plant life.

What is a Botanical Garden?

A botanical garden is a curated space showcasing a documented collection of living plants. These gardens serve various purposes, including:

Botanical gardens often feature specific plant collections, such as cacti, succulents, herb gardens, or plants from particular regions. They may also have greenhouses and shade houses to nurture unique collections like tropical plants, alpine plants, and exotic flora.

Our Community Botanical Gardens

The University of Duhok is proud to present its network of Community Botanical Gardens Projects:

These projects share a central goal: to support the preservation and cultivation of local plant species. Through these gardens, the university aims to:

Nestled within the heart of Duhok, the University of Duhok Botanical Garden awaits! This haven for plant life is more than just a stunning display of flowers and trees. It's a vibrant hub brimming with educational programs, research initiatives, and community engagement activities. Immerse yourself in the diverse flora, from delicate blooms to towering trees, all meticulously curated to represent a tapestry of plant life. Uncover the fascinating world of botany through interactive exhibits, engaging workshops, and guided tours led by knowledgeable staff. The Botanical Garden is a place for relaxation, learning, and appreciating the vital role plants play in our environment. Plan your visit today and discover a world of wonder at the University of Duhok Botanical Garden! 


The Ninawa Plains of Iraq: How Culture is Helping to Restore Peace' short film describes the role of cultural and religious practices in the post-conflict reconstruction of Iraq’s most ethnically and religiously diverse region. The film tells the story from the perspective of minority groups living in the Ninawa Plains, weaving together footage from interviews with local people. During its onslaught, ISIS deliberately targeted minority communities, including Christians, Kakai, Shabaks, Turkmen and Ezidi, and destroyed their sources of livelihood, such as farmlands and livestock, and the heritage and sacred religious sites of these communities. Hundreds of thousands of people fled ISIS’ persecution and displaced as a result of this atrocity.  ➤ EXPLORE MORE